Saturday, July 2, 2011

Taxol Fun!

My first Taxol/Herceptin treatment was on Monday June 27, 2011. Today is Saturday and the first time I have had to post about it. Yes I have been in bed since Monday and it is now Saturday. It has been a viscious cycle... bones ache, take pain killers, causes drowsiness, sleep, wake up with bones aching, take pain killers, causes drowsiness, sleep.... well you get the idea. The nausea hasn't subsided like I had hope either making eating rather difficult. Unfortunately lack of appetite goes hand in hand with my weight loss which my Dr. isn't very happy about and monitoring closely. Cancer treatments causes so many more side effects and complications than I had anticipated. Food has become my enemy during treatments due to the nasea. I figure when I am done I will either love food cause it will actually taste normal again.... or I will hate it from trying to eat during chemo. lol I think the most important lesson treating cancer is to take it one day at a time!It is definitely easier to focus on getting better in that moment. Eventually I know my chemo days will be over and I can move forward with the next step in my cancer adventure.

1 comment:

  1. I ate a lot of bananas when I was having a harder time eating. I know it sucks, but if you try eating something small, banana, yogurt, oatmeal - every 3-4 hours it actually helps you get less nauseous (sounds counterproductive, but it really works). I am sorry you get the Taxol pains, they would keep me in bed or recliner for 4-5 days also.
